Christian education and nurture are provided for all ages.

Adult Christian Education – Sundays, 4pm – Sept-June
Adults gather in a single class or break out into small discussion groups, depending on the topic and structure of the lesson. Adult education often focuses on Bible study or on issues relevant to Christian life. Adult CE is provided in a hybrid format, and all are welcome to join via Zoom or in the sanctuary. Contact us to learn how to join via Zoom.
Faith & Family Fellowship Group
Once a month, children, their families, and the young at heart are invited gather to reflect on a child-oriented theme through singing, stories, and art projects. These gatherings typically happen on a Saturday morning, either at the church building or a member’s home.
Mentors & Mentees / Youth Group
Once a month, young people gather for spiritual formation, fellowship, and fun in a safe environment. Activities are geared towards youth in grades 6-12, with mentoring relationships with adults for youth in grades 8-12. Past events include talking about faith and social media, being conscientous objectors, and visiting a corn maze.
Koinonia Groups
Koinonia Groups (sometimes called KGs or K-Groups) are small groups of fellowship, discernment, and joy. Groups meet monthly or twice a month and are provided with a resource to guide conversations. They can include members of all ages, and typically meeting Sept-June, with new groups forming each fall.