
We meet for hybrid worship at 5pm on Sunday evenings. The sanctuary is open to all. We also offer all to join via Zoom; please contact us for ways to join virtually. You are most welcome!

Recent MMC Worship recordings are available in audio formats. Please click on the link below to listen! Portions of services are removed for copyright* and privacy reasons.

*MMC has purchased a license from OneLicense.net to reproduce music in a podcast format. Our license is #734811-A and is valid 5/4/2020-5/3/2025.

What To Expect

Worship at Madison Mennonite is an embodied expression of faith, a connection to the Divine, and a place to practice the joyful inclusion and shalom of living in the way of Jesus. It is a time to center into our belovedness as children of God and siblings in Christ. Worship is a spiritual practice, reflective of our humanity and never perfect, and an exercise in hope. 

On an average Sunday, about 80 of us gather for worship, with folx joining both in person and via Zoom. Our services tend to be multi-voiced, leaning into the diverse gifts of our worship leaders, congregants, and pastor. We follow both the Revised Common Lectionary and the Spirit’s guidance into themes beyond the lectionary. Worship consists of music (often hymns sung a capella or with accompaniment), Bible readings, stories, a children’s time, a sermon/reflection, sharing of joys and concerns, and prayer. Shared leadership is a key element of our worship services and of all aspects of our community life. As such, members of the congregation share leadership with the pastor to plan, lead, and produce the worship service. Dress is casual and kids are welcome to participate in the service.


Worship services are held Sunday evenings beginning at 5:00pm. We meet in a hybrid format, and directions for joining via Zoom can be obtained by contacting us. For those who desire to join in physical space, we meet in the Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ building located at the corner of Gilbert Road and Tolman Terrace a few blocks south of the intersection of Whitney Way and Gilbert Road.  See the map for detailed directions.